Monday, June 18, 2007

Anything Technology

Cell Phone Relationship

What did we ever do without cell phones! Yes I know, we shouldn't use them while we're driving, at work or in public buildings. It's annoying to hear other peoples conversations in the elevators, at the mall, or in restaurants. If you have a cell phone then you are guilty of doing one or more of the above mentioned. Let's face it, we are addicted to our phones. So much so, that many of us have done away with our land lines and have gone exclusively to cell phones. We usually don't have any problems whipping out it to send a text-message or to call anyone who will listen.

I'll be the first to say that they are very convenient and I am always mildly surprised when someone I know doesn't' have one. Today I accidentally left my phone at home and I had a moment of panic! Then I remembered that I had excess to a land-line if I needed to make a call and I immediately calmed down.

My love affair with my phone started out innocently, "I'll only use it only in emergencies" I said. My first phone was huge and bulky and after several years I traded it in for a sleek and thinner model. Two years later I turned that one in for one with a camera, a calculator, a to do list. It had all the bells and whistle that I thought I needed. Now there's a newer model that has a larger viewing window, a computer, I can download my favorite tunes to it! Next year it will be something else grander and more stylish.

Little did I know that I would become so attached! It's not that I have to use it every waking moment, but I do have to have it near me at all times. One day I used it to call my daughter who was downstairs and I was up!

Now she has one! and I have no one to blame but myself.

Week Three: Photos and Images


Flickr looks like fun! It was easier to navigate than I thought. My daughter was a member of the 2007 Prince George's County Cotillion and I have plenty of pictures. I thnk I'll organize them on Flickr.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Week Two: Set Up Blog

Thing One:

I set up my blog, which was pretty user friendly and easy. I'm still in the process of customizing it, so stay tuned!

Thing Two:

I registered my blog and I also downloaded the 23 Things Tracking Log and YES! I do want CEU's (not that I need any more).

Friday, June 8, 2007

Week One: 23 Habits

Thing One: Life Long Learning
I enjoyed listening to the podcast and watching the introduction to 7 1/2 habits for life long learning. I have to admit this is the very first podcast that I've willingly listened to.

The easiest Habit to follow is " To view problems as challenges". Problems are always lurking and there are always lessons to be learned from addressing them.

The hardest Habit for me to folow will be "To use technology to my advantage". Until I master new technology I will always be at an disadvantage.

Good News!

I have developed a plan to accomplish my goal, which is to
"Embrace New Technology".

I plan on doing this by keeping an open mind and throwing away any preconceived ideas. I am confident that I can conquer my fears against technology! So often I use excuses like I don't have time, I'm too old, or I just simply rely on others who are already technically accomplished.

Never again!( well, almost never, I'm putting certain techies in my resources for help) But, when I'm finished with 23 Things, I'll be the new "techie" on the block!

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Hi everyone, I'm now an official blogger! I am so excited to start working on this project. I look forward to learning many new things.